Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lawrence Lessig on Bill Moyers talking about technology and Government Corruption.

Big Brother’s Prying Eyes from on Vimeo.

The first half of the conversation is about the NSA/PRISM and though his point makes sense and is more realistic than most of our solutions to the problem; The second half of the interview is what got me excited.

At about 31 minutes the conversation moves on to congress and there are a few ideas about campaign finance and making superpacs to get corrupt motherfuckers out of office and begin to kindof straighten out the system instead of just accepting the way it is as the way it is... It's funny that these people all say they're going to fix the problems of the world and then when they don't they're just like "it's part of the game..." or whatever... How are you supposed to change the country or the world for the better if you can't even change the way shit goes down in your own daily life and business? Good ideas though... You should check it out, it doesn't seem too far fetched and if there is indeed a political solution that could be it right there...
enjoy... and hey, drop something in the comments somewhere... I'm putting all of this stuff out into the void because I don't have anything better to do, but if you hear it I'd like to hear what you people think about it...

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